Temple for Marriage Related Problems
Temple for Couples Intimacy & Harmony
Temple for Fertility Related Problems
Temple for Protection From Negative Forces
Temple for Knowledge & Wisdom
Temple for Curing Illness
Temple for Relief From Legal Problems
Temple for Long Life Span
Temple for Marriage Problems - Shri Kokilambika Sametha Sri Kalyanasundareshwarar, Thirumananchery.

An important temple for removing the obstacles of marriage is the Shri Kokilambika Sametha Sri Kalyanasundareshwarar temple located at the place called Thirumananchery in Nagapattinam District. Thirumancheri – ‘Thirumana’ means Marriage, ‘Cheri’ means Village.
As the name suggests, it’s the place where Lord Shiva married Parvathi. The Sthala Purana says that Goddess Parvathi was once cursed and so took the form of a normal person on Earth. She lived in the ashram of the sage Bharata Muni as his daughter. Later Bharata Muni approached Lord Shiva to marry his daughter and his wish was fulfilled in this sthala.
The special attraction of this temple is that the Lord showers his blessings by standing in a beautiful marriage pose along with Parvathi (Hand in Hand!!). Lord Kalyanasundarar stands as the bridegroom and the Goddess is seen standing next to him looking at his feet (Bowing her head in shyness !!). This is the only temple where you can witness such a glorious sight.
People who seek the blessings for their marriage can visit this place and offer special pooja for the God and the Goddess.
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Temple for Couples Intimacy & Harmony - Sri Sakthivaneswara Swamy Temple, Thirusakthimutram.

Sakthivanesvara Temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, located in a small village called Thirusakthimutram, near another small (but relatively better-known) village, Patteeswaram. It's at a distance of about 8 Kms from Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, South India.
Here the presiding deity Sakthivanesvara is a form of the Hindu god Shiva, in which his usual worship symbol the Lingam is hugged by his consort Parvati.
It is believed that when one prays to Sakthivanesvara with faith, one is blessed with the life partner of one's choice. A special puja is performed to Lord Shiva and Parvathy for strengthening intimacy & harmony between couples.
Visiting this temple and performing puja helps in newly wed couples to strengthen the bonding and relationship between them. The intimacy and harmony will improve. This also helps to reunite estranged couples due to differences between them.
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Temple for Fertility Related Problems - Sri Garbarakshambigai Amman Temple, Thirukarukavur.

Sri Garbarakshambigai Amman is the foremost fertility Goddess of India. She is renowned for her powers to bless couples with children and also safeguard pregnancies and ensure an easy delivery. In short, she has the powers to bless every aspect of childbearing.
Sri Garbarakshambigai Amman temple is situated in Thirukarukavur (Thirukkarugavur), a small village in Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu, South India.
Goddess Parvati took the form of Garbarakshambigai Amman to grant a boon to all childless devotees who wanted the blessings of having children. Garba means Womb; Raksha means to Protect and Ambigai means Parvati. Garbharakshambika means “The Mother Who Protects the Womb”.
Two kinds of poojas performed and prasadams offered here for couple who are trying to conceive and pregnant women who want safe pregnancy and easy delivery.
Childless people who worship here with devotion and faith are blessed with a pregnancy and pregnant women with safe deliveries.
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Temple for Knowledge & Wisdom - Maha Saraswathi Amman Temple, Koothanur.

There are very few temples in India dedicated to Saraswathi, the Hindu Goddess of knowledge. Though we see her in collaboration with other deities in most other temples, a shrine dedicated to the Goddess Herself is very rare.
Such an extremely rare temple for Goddess Saraswathi is situated in Koothanur, a town situated in the Tiruvarur district of Tamil Nadu, India.
People aspiring for wisdom, knowledge and education come to this shrine to pray to Goddess Saraswathi. Children are admitted to schools after performing pujas in this Saraswathy Temple. Those aspiring for higher education, art and crafts and music visit the temple to get their desires fulfilled.
Couples separated from each other or undergoing marriage problems come to Saraswathy Temple to pray and come together to start a new chapter in their married life. People also pray for gainful employment, profit from business development, promotion in jobs etc.
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Temple For Protection From Negative Forces And Dangers - Sri Maha Prathyangara Devi Temple, Ayyavaadi.

Mahapratiyankara Devi is considered as a very powerful Goddess who can take up rage and anger as and when required. Known for destroying Tamas and restoring Sattva in the world, she is worshipped by one and all who want to repel the evil forces from their life including black magic.
This temple for Sri Maha Prathyangira Devi is situated in a small village called Ayyavadi around 6 kms from Kumbakonam.
Lord Vishnu took the Narasimha Avatar to kill the demon king Hiranyakasipu who is the father of Prahalada. After being so furiously fought with so much of power to kill the king, the anger and the fierce of Narasimha didnt come down. People prayed Lord Shiva to save them.
Lord Shiva took a new and more powerful form or Avatar as Sarabeswara, with lion's face and eagle's wings. Shakthi accompanied Lord Shiva in the form of Sri Mahaprathyangira Devi seated on one of the wings of Sri Sarabeswara. Sarabeswarar went and subsided Narasimha's anger to bring back peace. Hence both Sri Mahaprathyangira Devi and Sri Sarabeswara are beleived to be more powerful than any other powers.
One who does deep penance gets the reward of a secure life away from all evils. Performing pooja helps to repel all forms of black magic including evil spirits and ghosts.
Performing pooja help to remove all kinds of negative energies which are prevalent in one's life or helps to shield them from any forthcoming effects. It also provides protection for health and well-being.
Worshipping Prathyangira Amman relieves us from all kinds of dosham, accidents, enemies, diseases, wrath, curses, obstacles, black magic etc.
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Temple for Curing Illness - Sri Vaidyanatha Swamy Temple, Vaitheeswarankoil.

Devotees from all parts of the world throng the Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamilnadu to seek the blessings of Lord Vaidyanathar or Vaitheeswaran (Lord Shiva) and pray here for a remedy from various ailments as Lord Vaitheeswaran is regarded as the “God of Healing”. Devotees believe that prayers to Lord Vaitheeswaran can cure all ailments and also brings mental peace and relief from hardships.
Vaitheeswaran Koil is situated near Mayiladuthurai in Nagapattinam District of Tamilnadu, South India.
Vaidhyanatha Swamy is the main deity here and His consort Thayyalanayaki Ambal stands here holding medicinal oil, which cures diseases.
The prasadam being offered to the devotees at Vaitheeswaran Koil is considered as a panacea capable of curing almost all kinds of diseases that an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva suffers from.
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Temple for Relief From Court Cases - Sri Sattainathar Swamy Temple, Sirkazhi.

As Lord Shiva is the supreme head of all Laws-Sattam in Tamil, He is praised as Satta Nathar. Hence, people involved in litigation seek His blessing to win their cases.
Sri Sattainathar Swamy Temple is situated at a distance of 20 KMs from Mayiladuthurai on Chidambaram route, Tamil Nadu, South India.
Lord Shiva Swayambu moorthy and this temple is believed to be equal to Kailash.
Devotees having problems in court cases and legal problems perform special puja at Sri Sattainathar Swamy Temple, Sirkazhi for gainful and fast settlement of cases.
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Temple for Longevity - Sri Amirthagateswara Swamy Temple, Thirukkadaiyur.

Amirthagateswarar Abhirami Temple (also called Abhirami temple) is a Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva in his manifestation as "Destroyer of Death" and his wife Parvati as Abhirami.
It is located in Thirukkadaiyur (Thirukadavur), 21 km east of Mayiladuthurai, Tamil Nadu, South India.
As per Hindu legend, Shiva is believed to have destroyed eight different demons and the eight Ashta Veeratanam temples are built signifying each of his victories. The temple is counted one of the eight where Shiva is believed to have appeared as Kalasamharamurthy to save Markandeya from the death clutches of Yama. Based on the legend of Markandeya, it is believed that worshiping at this temple will give longevity to couples.
It is believed that performing pooja blesses the devotee with sound health and long life span.
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